Archive | April, 2013

Husbands and the Art of Negotiation

6 Apr

The Hubster is a good person to have around. He doesn’t really want for much, he understands my terrible schedule, accepts my tendency to overcommit myself to a million tasks, and generally supports me as much I could ever want or ask him to do.

One strike against him, however; when he is in relaxation mode (read: playing a video game), getting him out of the house for food is a Sisyphean task that I’ve long since abandoned. Instead, I’ll scrounge the cupboards and refrigerator for sustenance, generally appeasing myself with crackers and cheese or cereal. (Of course, with the advent of this amazing website (seriously – have you seen this?), I may no longer have to survive on pickles and saltines when my laziness threatens to outperform my hunger, but I digress).

One lazy Sunday, Hubster had been helping around the house, and upon finishing chores, sat down to play a video game. My hopes of eating out were dashed, or so I thought. I knew that I wanted to grab lunch, but I didn’t want the same old fast-food. I was dreaming big…dreaming of something unique, slightly off the beaten path, and exotic.

I was dreaming of Buldogis.


Menu Specials.


So much to choose from!

Buldogis is a Korean hot dog place I read about in a Desert Companion “best of” list. The description of Angry Kimchi Fries (sweet potato fries with cheese and kimchi say wah???) had me hoping I could convince the Hubster to take a drive.

So I hatched a plan. I decided to negotiate my way into exotic hotdog deliciousness.

“Hey [Hubster], I’m thinking we should grab some lunch, but I haven’t been grocery shopping, so we should pick something up.”

“I don’t want to leave.”

“No, no, you misunderstand. You don’t have to leave – I’ll go pick up lunch for us.” There it was, simple, brilliant. The one way I knew I could get my way on restaurant selection. Offer to go out myself, and I can usually get what I want, until…

“What are you planning to pick-up?”

I hadn’t accounted for this question because he’s usually amenable if it means he doesn’t have to leave, so I had to think quickly.

“It’s a surprise.” OK, so not my finest moment but he had caught me off guard. My negotiation prep skills suck.

“…A surprise? What does that even mean? Where are you going?”

My whole plan was unraveling before my eyes! Finally, I decided to switch negotiating tactics and go a little more aggressive.

“Well, I just know that I am usually the one who has to go get us food, so I thought for once I could make the decision. It’s not as though I don’t know what you like. I’m just sick of the same stuff, and I want to try something different. Exotic even!”

He finally gave up and just sort of shrugged warily.

I returned about an hour later, triumphantly carrying in my bags of culinary goodies. Hubster heard me come in and immediately came in to the kitchen to investigate.

“So…what did you pick up?”

“Buldogis. It’s a Korean hotdog place that has bulgogi meat and Asian flavors incorporated into their hot dogs and burgers.”

As the look of relief washed over him, I had to ask, “What did you think I was getting?”

“Well, I don’t know…after all that talk about it being a surprise and you wanting to try something different, I started to get worried you were coming home with bull testicles or something.”

And that was the day that Hubster left me speechless.


Beef Bulgogi Dog

As for Buldogis, well…it was worth every suspected testicle.

Angry Kimchi Fries

Angry Kimchi Fries